Argh I've been thinking what exactly to ask ever since your first mail.

I'm satisfied with this question rn, but what was the research process like especially on Amnesia?

Also, I loved your book a lot. A LOT. It was a bit too much to take in as a 13 yo teenager at that time haha. But I go around recommending your book to people. The movie didn't do justice to the book honestly.

This led me to read your second book as well. I have Final Cut with me but haven't been able to read yet. But I will!

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Thanks Rajta - I'm so glad you enjoyed my books! I think I've said it elsewhere on this chat, but in brief - for the medical/scientific aspects of amnesia I did enough research so that I had a basic understanding of the principles of memory formation and storage. But as the story is narrated by the sufferer, not the doctor, it was more important to understand how that might feel. So I read and watched a lot of stuff about living with amnesia and dementia.

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Enjoyed this book so much I still recommend it, especially to writing students to see original and creative writing!

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