F*ck the Pain Away, Lovertits.
I trawl through the highs and lows of culture and ideas, so you don't have to.
The Saturday Compendium is where I round up a few of the things that have interested me in one way or another this week. Some cool, some not so cool, some that have made me think, some that have inspired me to action, some that have shaken me out of a rut. Some old, some new, all borrowed, some possibly blue. But whatever else, they’re all things I think you might find interesting too.
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What I’ve been watching: Planet of the Apes
Sometimes I like a lovely, intellectual film that’s maybe in black and white and/or has subtitles. Sometimes I need a nice big blockbuster with lots of CGI and a relatively simple plot.
This week has been one for the latter. I was ill all of last week then recovered enough to go to Brighton Pride, which wasn’t exactly a weekend of nutritious food and early nights. So I’ve been diving into the Planet of the Apes films, and y’know what? They’re good.
What I’m reading: Julia - Sandra Newman
Still on this. I’m enjoying it hugely but have been too unwell to read very much,
Have you read it? What did you think?
What I’ve been listening to: Peaches
She played at Pride and was a revelation.
This song, in particular, is now cemented in my brain, seemingly forever.
Three things to stop doing right now if you want to be happier
a) regretting the past
b) worrying about the future
c) looking for your happiness in other people
The Rule of Thirds
“When you’re chasing a dream, you’re meant to feel good a third of the time, okay a third of the time, and crappy a third of the time.”
How about you? What are you enjoying at the moment?
What else is in the teaches of Peaches?