Worrying, Orbital, Recycling
I trawl through the highs and lows of culture and ideas, so you don't have to.
The Saturday Compendium is where I round up a few of the things that have interested me in one way or another this week. Some cool, some not so cool, some that have made me think, some that have inspired me to action, some that have shaken me out of a rut. Some old, some new, all borrowed, some possibly blue. But whatever else, they’re all things I think you might find interesting too.
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And for those who are tempted but not sure they want to commit…
Worrying is worshipping the problem
What I’m reading: Orbital by Samantha Harvey
I was having lunch with a good friend last week and musing on the fact that as human beings we’re all ordinary, and we’ll all extraordinary. ‘That’s what Orbital’s about,’ she said, so I had to go and buy it straight away.
Be good, not nice
House of the Dragon
What’s currently pissing me off
In Brighton, where I live, the recycling bins are always next to the non-recycling bins. It pisses me off when SO MANY people can’t be bothered walking three more feet to put their stuff in the right bin.
What I’ve also been listening to
How about you? What are you enjoying at the moment?