
Character idea:

A man goes to see an opera, and he has a spare ticket. He gives it to a woman he meets outside the opera hall, and this leads...

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First line idea:

The gunshot didn’t sound the way they did in the movies.

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May 1, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

He waited for the colour to change. It might have already happened, he couldn't tell any more, he was very tired now and his eyes were playing tricks and that smell was so distracting.

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Mist stumbled around the house, dulling the sound in the woods.

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Amelia could still remember the day she snapped, it was just before he was about to go into a three hour board meeting, and she put a laxative in his coffee.

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When Helen rounded the familiar, tight bend in the road on that sultry August night to find a young woman frozen like a deer in the centre of the road, too close to break in time, there was one question she never asked herself. Was that woman running from someone, or was she chasing them?

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Character(s) - an teenage boy who externalises his anger through violence, and a teenage girl who internalises her anger through self-harm.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

The American, his linen suit the colour of butter, arrives in the town on a warm summer day with the breeze of rumour circulating in his wake.

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Oh, it was way too early to be getting up on a day he should be able to sleep in, but now that he was awake, there was no hope of getting back to sleep.

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Oh, it way too early to be getting up on a day he should be able to sleep in, but now that he was awake, there was no hope of getting back to sleep.

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A young and gifted musician overhears a distant melody, and knows his life will never be the same.

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Where did they all go? What was that noise?

Malaki Whitlock

Hunter Whitlock

Ryder Whitlock

Kirsty Whitlock

Hunters Bridge

Ryders bridge

Ryders rock

Ryders ridge

Hunters corner

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In London's Hyde Park, people are milling about wasting precious time when they should be escaping from an imminent threat that has been broadcast to millions via emergency alert.

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She slammed on the brakes, only just avoiding the mother and child.

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A food delivery driver on a rainy night.

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