ASK AWAY: Let’s talk about Before I Go to Sleep
Something new! A public AMA ('Ask Me Anything') in which I'll answer your questions about Before I Go to Sleep.
Something new from Compendia — to celebrate the reissue of my first book, I’m going to answer any questions you may have about it!
Note: For this first ‘Ask Away’ anyone can read the comments, ask questions or join in the discussion, but in future only full Compendia subscribers will be able to comment.
To gain full access to future sessions, plus much much more, subscribe below for just £6 per month or £52 per year about £4 per month or £35 per year.
Feel free to ask me any question, related to Before I Go to Sleep (the book or the movie), and I’ll answer it as honestly as I can.
Use the comment section below to submit your questions. Start whenever, but if you want to join in for a ‘live’ discussion I’ll be dropping by to start answering at 20:00 (UK time) tomorrow (Wednesday 11th Sept).
I’ll let everyone here know—via an update to this post—when the session has concluded (though knowing me I’ll return to it, so don’t give up…)
If this goes well, I’ll be doing Second Life and then Final Cut. After that, who knows? I may even get other authors involved to talk about their books or writing…
Someone has emailed me with the question:
'Hi Steve
Isn’t it time you wrote the sequel: After I Wake Up?'
How many developmental revisions did your book go through and how long did it take you to complete them? Based on your experience with your editing and revisions of this novel, what are some lessons you learned that you carried over to your subsequent novels? Thank you!